First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Cell Phone*
How did you hear about SOS Animal Rescue League?
If you were referred by a current SOS foster or SOS volunteer, please enter their name here:
We use a private Facebook Group to facilitate most of our communications, supplemented with emails. Do you have Facebook and email accounts that you access regularly? If not, are you willing/able to create and use such?* Choose one: No Yes
How long have you been employed with this employer?*
Work Phone
What type of home do you live in?
Do you own or rent your home?
IF YOU HAVE A LANDLORD: Please enter your landlord's full name and phone number below; please advise them that we will be calling.
IF YOU HAVE A LANDLORD: Have you discussed your desires to care for a dog and received the expressed consent of your landlord to have the particular dog/type of dog for which you are applying? PLEASE BE SURE YOUR LANDLORD IS EXPECTING OUR CALL. Choose one: Yes No Not Applicable
IF YOU HAVE A LANDLORD: Does your landlord have any breed or size restrictions? If yes, what are they?
How long have you lived at your current address?*
Do you have a yard?
Please select the type of yard the dog will have access to:
List the names, ages and relationships of all people (adults and children) who currently RESIDE in your home, INCLUDING yourself.*
Is anyone in the home allergic to animals?
Are you currently fostering, or have you fostered in the past, for another rescue?
If you answered Yes to the above question - which rescue are you fostering for and who is their foster home coordinator? Please provide name and contact info.
What interests you in fostering?*
When would you be ready for your first foster dog?*
Does everyone in the home share your interest in fostering?
Please describe your lifestyle and the day-to-day activity level in your home.*
Please check the type of dog(s) you would be interested in fostering:
What behaviors, if any, do you have successful experience working with in dogs? Select all that apply.
For each answer selected above, please include more details on the behavioral issue and the approach that worked. If you worked with a professional trainer, please include their name and contact information below.
How long are you willing to foster a particular animal?
Where will the animal be kept when YOU ARE HOME (check all that apply)?
How much time will the animal spend alone during the day?*
Where will the animal be kept when YOU ARE NOT HOME (check all that apply)?
Where will the animal be kept at night?
What do you intend the dog's exercise routine to look like?*
Do you have reliable transportation, or access to reliable transportation should the dog need immediate veterinary care?
What type(s) of vehicle(s) do you have access to on a regular basis to help with transporting dogs? This information will help us best prepare you for dog transport duties.*
Have you ever taken part in a formal animal training class?
Do you have any other pets (cat, dog, snake, fish, etc) who currently reside in your home?
For each current pet in the household, or previous pet who you owned in the last five years, list each pet by: name species/breed temperament current status*
Do your current pets get along with other dogs? (If you think there may be a conflict, please describe how your will keep the foster dog separate from your family pet(s))*
What kinds of veterinary support will you consider for your new pet? (select all that apply)
Personal Reference 1 Name*
Personal Reference 1 Relationship (no relatives, please)*
Personal Reference 1 Phone Number*
Personal Reference 1 Email*
Personal Reference 2 Name*
Personal Reference 2 Relationship (no relatives, please)*
Personal Reference 2 Phone Number*
Personal Reference 2 Email*
Vet Reference. Please provide the name and phone number for the veterinarian who can provide us with the most comprehensive record of wellness, vaccinations and heartworm medications for ALL CURRENT AND RECENT PETS. To avoid delays, please note the person's name under which the pet record(s) is listed at the vet, and please also call your vet to give them permission to speak with an SOS representative. *
SOSARL covers the medical expenses for all foster animals. However, our vet care costs are only discounted through particular vets and therefore they are the only clinics we currently use for routine care. With the obvious exception of a life threatening medical emergency, if you should decide to take your foster animal to a different vet for convenience or any other reason, SOSARL will not be able to cover the cost of the visit.
What size [unisex] tee shirt do you prefer?*
I/we understand that all animals are TEMPORARILY fostered for Save One Soul Animal Rescue League and are the property of the organization. I/we agree to keep any foster animal under my control at all times while I/we am fostering, keeping cats inside and/or dogs on-leash. If my foster pet(s) shows any sign of health or behavior problems, I understand that I need to contact SOSARL immediately. I will relinquish any foster animal to SOSARL upon their request. If I should become interested in adopting my foster pet, an adoption application will be submitted. SOSARL is not responsible for damage or injury to any person, animal, or possession caused by a foster animal.
All of our dogs are listed on Petfinder, Adopt-A-Pet and various other sites. We require that you provide us with updates on the dog so that we may add to, or modify, the existing profile to accurately represent the personality and habits of the dog. We may also ask for new photos as well. Will you be able to send email updates to us on a regular basis? *
Are you willing to participate in local adoption events on a regular basis?
SOS will reimburse/pay for any pre-approved veterinary bills, but there may be minimal expenses that go along with fostering such as providing a quality dog food, leash & collar, etc. Are you able to absorb these costs? *
By submitting this application, I attest that I am the applicant. I affirm that all information is true and complete and that no one in the household where the pet will reside has ever been convicted of animal cruelty or abuse, or a violent crime. I give permission for a representative of SOS to call my listed references, as well as my Emergency Contact in the event of emergency. I understand that submitting an application does not guarantee approval to volunteer, and a home visit by an SOS representative may be required before I am approved. I give permission for SOS to share my address and contact information with other SOS volunteers. If approved to volunteer, I will review and sign a contract(s) that will outline my responsibilities as an SOS Volunteer and Foster.